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2005/04/13 日記をつけるほどの時間がないので
2005/04/12 ホームパーティー。
2005/04/11 今日は寒かったですねぇ。
2005/04/10 今日はながまゆのお誕生日。
2005/04/09 えあー。

直接移動: 20054 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 月 

2005/03/25(金) もう疲れた、疲れたよパトラッシュ。

convince 納得させる
I was not convinced by his explanation.

eminent 素晴らしい:著名な
She is eminent as a pianist.

tremor 震え、振動

mandatory 命令の、強制的な
You have a right vote when you become
20 years old,but it is not mandatory.

irrigate 水を引く
In order to run a farm here,
you need to irrigate from that lake.

contradict 相反する、矛盾する
The interview with the actress contradicted
what she had said in her book.

prudent 慎重;賢明な
You have to make a prudent plan.

accommodate 適応させる;宿泊させる
She will soon accommodate herself to the new circumstances.

anatomy 解剖学

conventional 伝統的な、型にはまった
Young people tend to hate conventional ways.

grant 許可する
Permission to talk to him was granted just now.

ingenuity 創意;器用さ

humble つつましい、みじめな
Her presentation was brilliant,but she felt humble.

implicit 暗黙の、暗示された、信じて疑わない
Many listeners did not realize what was implicit in his

contemplate 熟考する
We have been contemplating the plan for a graduation trip.

indict 起訴する、告発する
She had been indicted for the bribery case.

comperent 有能な
She is competent enough to be a leader.

brisk 活気のある
After a heavy meal,you should take a brisk walk. 

draft 設計図、手形、通風

envoy 外交使節、使者

courtesy 特別扱いの、優遇、礼儀

persistent 持続的な、頑固な
We are the target of persistent attacks from our opponent.

dormant 休眠中の
The volcano erupted five hundred years ago.
Since then,it has been dormant.

coalition 連合、同盟

indignant 憤慨した、怒った
He disagreed with an indignant look.

discreet 思慮深い、慎重な
I want you to become a discreet person.

verify 証明する、立証する
The fact that he is innocent should be varified as soon as

comdemn とがめる、非難する
The teacher has comdemned the boy to expulsion.

facilitate 容易にする、促進する
The new railroad has facilitated the growth of bedroom

skeptical 疑い深い
We are skeptical of her statements,

ditach 分離する
Don't ditach this sheet from the application form.

integrity 高潔;誠実




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