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2008/10/31 イタリアで「教育改革」反対で大デモ
2008/09/07 街頭インタビュー
2008/07/14 蟹工船ブーム
2008/06/21 今や日本列島は蟹工船
2008/03/02 Protest on the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq invasion!

直接移動: 200810 9 7 6 3 2 1 月  20079 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200612 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 月  200412 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 月 

2005/12/21(水) Tokyo High Court puts the anti-war flyer and guiltiness is denounced.
Tokyo High Court canceled the innocence of the district court decision on December 9, and gave
the conviction to the posting of the anti-war flyer.
Various fliers and handbills are always put in the post of the housing complex. The anti-war flier is made guiltiness though this trial doesn't punish the flier at commercial ends. It destroys the principle of the equality of the application of the law. This was used to add suppression to free speech.
Free speech has been secured in a democratic society. However, the judge who had delivered this decision voluntarily denied the principle of a democratic society. Koizumi administration dispatched Self Defense Forces Iraq of the breach of the Constitution. This decision allows it. The judge who made this decision should study the law again.

Japan also finally fell low to the despotic state. The despotic state is in destining knocked down by the people.
The dominant class tries to make Anti-Organized Crime Law and the Tapping Law, and, in addition, to make it for the conspiracy crime. They are feared that overthrown to the subordinate class.
The dictatorship might be a start of the collapse of Japan.

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