Lust for Blood News

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2004/06/30 site news
2004/06/29 Mayhem and more
2004/06/28 Pain and Suffering the aftermath.
2004/06/27 Pain and Suffering
2004/06/25 past started

直接移動: 20046 月 

2004/06/25(金) past started
I Xephito, have added a message board, yes it is a Japanese board, but I did supply you a translation thread. So I hope that it helps you, let me know, by send me a email.
So far I have got my promos, bios, messages and promos links up. Please check back from time to time to see more updates, news, and other interesting LFB tidbits.
Xephito Murakami (‘ºã@‚‚҂ЂƁj

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