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2004/06/30 site news
2004/06/29 Mayhem and more
2004/06/28 Pain and Suffering the aftermath.
2004/06/27 Pain and Suffering
2004/06/25 past started

直接移動: 20046 月 

2004/06/28(月) Pain and Suffering the aftermath.
Hey its me Xep-chan again. Fresh out the big battle. Tesuke as I said walked out of the arena tonight with the Total Insanity title, but tomorrow he is going to be facing that Ragin' Craig at Mayhem. Oh that is a real battle there lol. Well I do hate to be one to say I told you so, but look who is the new tag team champions. I hate to brag, but I think I am due some brag rights. We won the titles we won the titles.
But congrats do go out to Beavis Jones, because he did get a huge win tonight also. He won the MCW Universal World Championship. Well Until next time.

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