Lust for Blood News

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2004/06/30 site news
2004/06/29 Mayhem and more
2004/06/28 Pain and Suffering the aftermath.
2004/06/27 Pain and Suffering
2004/06/25 past started

直接移動: 20046 月 

2004/06/30(水) site news
Site news: Today we had our site added to the top 100 right now we are in at 7. That is pretty good for a new entry and the fact that this site is in it basic stages. Nut everything is working, it looks good. Stay tuned here and to MCW televison, more excite things are to happen.
Tesuke Kojima (ŒÃ“‡@ƒeƒXƒPj

2004/06/29(火) Mayhem and more
Hey Tesuke here (^O^)v.
1) A few hours ago I had my first T.I title defense. I have to say it went well. Ragin' Craig, I think it is think for him to retire. Not sure when my next defense it, but check back for news.
2) X-net: Xep-chan ranked in at #4 this week, it should have been higher, maybe next time Xep. But we are one of the top Tag teams. It is an honor to be listed on Xnet.

2004/06/28(月) Pain and Suffering the aftermath.
Hey its me Xep-chan again. Fresh out the big battle. Tesuke as I said walked out of the arena tonight with the Total Insanity title, but tomorrow he is going to be facing that Ragin' Craig at Mayhem. Oh that is a real battle there lol. Well I do hate to be one to say I told you so, but look who is the new tag team champions. I hate to brag, but I think I am due some brag rights. We won the titles we won the titles.
But congrats do go out to Beavis Jones, because he did get a huge win tonight also. He won the MCW Universal World Championship. Well Until next time.

2004/06/27(日) Pain and Suffering
Hello!!! Xephito here. Finally got some of the Lust for Blood page up. Tonight Tesuke and I are on the card at the first PPV of MCW, Pain and Suffering. Tesuke he has a triple threat match with some guy who calls hisself Beavis Jones. He is a great guy. But he is not going to survive the match with My suke-chan. Then there is the other guy Spectre. I never really talked to him. But he is in there with Suke, of course. But later in the night Suke and I are going for more gold. The tag gold. Deadly Games they are a major team, but so are we, so we are going to let them know that whether we win or lose, of Course winning would be great, and we are going out there to win what ever the cost. So I hope all the LFB fans are going to be watching tonight on PPV.

2004/06/25(金) past started
I Xephito, have added a message board, yes it is a Japanese board, but I did supply you a translation thread. So I hope that it helps you, let me know, by send me a email.
So far I have got my promos, bios, messages and promos links up. Please check back from time to time to see more updates, news, and other interesting LFB tidbits.
Xephito Murakami (‘ºã@‚‚҂ЂƁj

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